Diagnosis, Treatment, Travel...

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We’d like you to fill out the “Form” on our homepage before your treatment. Eleva Health Health consultants will contact you as soon as possible and will initiate interviews with you to determine the appropriate treatment. After examining all the data from you, our doctors will determine the most appropriate treatment for you. If you wish, video/voice calls are planned with our doctor via Skype or WhatsApp. Once all the preparations are complete, our consultants will offer you the treatment plan. After your confirmation, they prepare all reservations and plans.


Thanks to our working methods, your treatment can be determined to a great extent. If your doctor thinks you need some tests, you will be informed and you will be able to have these tests done in Turkey or in your home country. The biggest advantage of this method is that you learn about your necessary budget for your treatment before coming to Turkey. The reason for this is that when you come to Turkey you do not encounter an additional cost of surprise.


Eleva Health aims to provide you with the most convenient treatment under more comfortable conditions with its applied model. Your transportation, accommodation and hospital reservations will be made by us before coming to Turkey.

Our travel consultants will be with you every time you transfer from the moment you step into our country. We can arrange for you to have nurses (with diplomas-all official documents are provided) who will accompany you during your treatment if you do not have an accompanying person.

Treatment in Turkey

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